How are ya getting’ on?

A lot has been going on since my lachrymose little article from last week. At the time, I was rather on the despondent side, fearing I would no longer have time or opportunity to hunt-down and photograph London’s ever-changing street art offerings. As it happens,  my sorrows were somewhat unfounded as I started a new job in East London’s Shoreditch area…


I will be leaving my job in Camden in a few weeks, and, as a result,  I see significantly less street art featuring on this site in future – a great shame. Until then, I’m trying to photograph as much new work as possible. We’re experiencing somewhat of a “heatwave” in London at the moment…

I Remember the Future

I’m reluctant to say that we’re seeing a golden age of street -art in Camden Town, but there is certainly a great amount of spectacular work appearing here on almost a daily basis. This afternoon I spotted an excellent work from Gonzo design cowboy ensemble, Id-iom,as well as a fantastic collaborative work from Itaewon, Autone,…