Constantly redecorating the city’s walls

Only last week, I posted about the unprecedented rate that new art-works are appearing around Camden Town. Sure enough, I went for a short walk around town this afternoon and quickly spotted a few new pieces. It is almost beyond question at this point that if you’re a street-artist wanting to get yourself noticed around London, you would do well to get some work up around Camden.

I actually caught Brazilian artist Decolife at work on his avant garde piece featured below, however, and unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera with me. By the time I had ran back to office to pick it up, he had already finished for the day – I think this marks the first time this particular work will have been posted anywhere online.



3 Comments Add yours

  1. tmezpoetry says:

    I admire the fact that you honor and uphold the hidden or looked over artists 🙂 That really takes a special person to do that. I am proud to follow your site.

  2. bikurgurl says:

    Beautiful art – Love that you captured the ever-changing scene!

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