How are ya getting’ on?

A lot has been going on since my lachrymose little article from last week. At the time, I was rather on the despondent side, fearing I would no longer have time or opportunity to hunt-down and photograph London’s ever-changing street art offerings. As it happens,  my sorrows were somewhat unfounded as I started a new job in East London’s Shoreditch area this week. Shoreditch is the centre of London’s street art scene, so I won’t be giving up on the photographing just yet. I took a few photos yesterday and would have uploaded sooner, but my new job is in television news and I have barely had a minute to spare all week. Herself is currently visiting family in Greece, so I have a small amount of time – on this uncharacteristally warm October afternoon – to drop-in and tell you the craic.

The story may be a few months old, but this week I learned that the BBC plans to install a  statue of George Orwell at their London headquarters. This story is particularly amusing, of course, because Orwell was incredibly dismissive of the Beeb, describing his time there as, “2 wasted years.” Frequent visitors to this site will know well that I am fanatical about Orwell’s work, and, as I happened upon the story, I was immediately put in mind of the writer’s description of the BBC as ‘something half way between a girls’ school and a lunatic asylum.’

For anyone interested and living in the US, the show I’m working on, VICE News Tonight, premiers Monday on HBO at 7:30 p.m EST.

You can now follow my adventures on Instagram here.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Some great images!

    Truth within a fallen dream,


  2. Nice. Great images, and what a funny comment about Orwell and the BBC. It used to happen, they take advantage of the popular names whenever they get a chance.

  3. Nan Mykel says:

    Congratulations on your job and program. Wish I had HBO! How did you get the job?

    1. I don’t have HBO either. Ha ha. I’ve worked in broadcasting for around 7 years now. Much like Orwell, I fear I may look back on such time as wasted myself.

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