During this cold London weather, let’s draw up closer and huddle round a nice warm tube line.

With the overreaction this city (and country) is showing to over cold weather, I wouldn’t be surprised if they endeavoured to label the wind a terrorist threat next. I swear to hearing two old ones on the bus, reminiscing about the Great Fire of London they were. All the way home from work this evening…

The gift that keeps on giving

You know how it is, you’re in a second-hand bookshop on a Saturday afternoon, indifferently leafing through anything that comes to hand and, for whatever reason, you suddenly fix on something that catches you’re attention. I picked up a copy of Content Provider: Selected Short Prose Pieces 2011-2016(2016, Faber & Faber) by the comedian Stewart Lee and noticed…

The Plan

I happened upon this sign in my office kitchen this afternoon. I did a bit of snooping online and found that some have referred to this document as the Genesis of Shit. I thought it was mildly amusing so took a photo. Enjoy: You can now follow my adventures on Instagram here.  

How are ya getting’ on?

A lot has been going on since my lachrymose little article from last week. At the time, I was rather on the despondent side, fearing I would no longer have time or opportunity to hunt-down and photograph London’s ever-changing street art offerings. As it happens,  my sorrows were somewhat unfounded as I started a new job in East London’s Shoreditch area…


I will be leaving my job in Camden in a few weeks, and, as a result,  I see significantly less street art featuring on this site in future – a great shame. Until then, I’m trying to photograph as much new work as possible. We’re experiencing somewhat of a “heatwave” in London at the moment…

My Idea of Fun

I was lucky enough to negotiate a day off work last Thursday and since the weather was looking tasty, I grabbed my camera and headed to East London to see what new street art had appeared since my last visit. I took hundreds of photos and have picked the best to present for your convenience…