Mistress May won’t take a nay

I posted yesterday, but since my new job is taking up nearly every moment of my day, I’ve decided to make a point of posting whenever I have even so much as a spare second. Even now I’m juggling this post with dinner in the oven, a blocked kitchen sink, and a stack of laundry to get through.

As I was heading back from lunch this afternoon, I jumped into an alley with the hope that I’d found a short cut back to the office.  Of course, I was wrong. However, I do seem to have happened upon what looks to be a strong successor to the place that pretty much sparked my interest in London Street art (Stuckey Place in Camden, or as those familiar with this blog may know it, “Shit Alley”). While I had the time, I took my phone and snapped as much of the work on display as I could manage. I would stay and write some more, but I’m exhausted and I think I can smell dinner burning. Enjoy and tell me what you think:

You can now follow my adventures on Instagram here.



4 Comments Add yours

  1. Major cool finds, good spot indeed

  2. The paintings are make and clicked very well. Thanks for showing us.

  3. tigre23 says:

    A little treasure trove of street art!

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