What is the purpose of street art? I found myself occupied by this question while sat on the train to Shoreditch (the unofficial capital of London street art culture) with Herself this Saturday. Over the last several years, I have photographed thousands of works of street art around the UK and abroad. I’ve stumbled across…
Tag: Food
A more complimentary picture of Cannes
I feel like I owe Cannes an apology for not enjoying the place as much as I could have on account of the terrible week of weather she threw at me. Truth be told, despite the torrents of wind and rain, it really was a most intoxicating and luxurious place to visit. I even managed…
You are the victim of your own rules
Summer is coming to an end in London, and so we took a train to Camden Town for the afternoon before the cold and miserable days are the best we can expect from this city. I brought my camera for the trip and am happy to report that some new street art works have been put up around the neighbourhood. Here are all the pieces that we were…
Mistress May won’t take a nay
I posted yesterday, but since my new job is taking up nearly every moment of my day, I’ve decided to make a point of posting whenever I have even so much as a spare second. Even now I’m juggling this post with dinner in the oven, a blocked kitchen sink, and a stack of laundry to…
How are ya getting’ on?
A lot has been going on since my lachrymose little article from last week. At the time, I was rather on the despondent side, fearing I would no longer have time or opportunity to hunt-down and photograph London’s ever-changing street art offerings. As it happens, my sorrows were somewhat unfounded as I started a new job in East London’s Shoreditch area…
I will be leaving my job in Camden in a few weeks, and, as a result, I see significantly less street art featuring on this site in future – a great shame. Until then, I’m trying to photograph as much new work as possible. We’re experiencing somewhat of a “heatwave” in London at the moment…
Everything is awesome
Strange though it may seem, the only thing I enjoy more than going on some wild and drunken travel adventure is the returning home. No matter how brief the journey, I get a real kick out of seeing what’s changed in my absence and I’m certain that this partiality can be traced back to my…
What we did at the oyster festival
One of the upsides to spending my weekends and summer holidays washing pots and dishes in a seafood restaurant on the Irish Coast as a teenager was that I was able to sample and acquire a taste for a wide range of strange and exotic foods whose very mention – almost without exception – induced…
The changing of the guard
As much of a disappointment as it was to see last month’s mural in Stucley Place being defaced almost as soon as it had been painted, it looks as though that unfortunate piece has been succeeded by this work by Australian artist James Reka: Just a short post today as I have quite a lot…
Music plays somewhere in the distance
More than three quarters of the Greek population list their religion as Orthodox, and if you find yourself there during one of their religious celebration, it is an almost certainty that you will find yourself involved in the pageantry of the occasion in some way, shape or form. I spent this year’s Easter holidays in the Northern…
Something to get you through Tuesday
I went for a walk during my lunch break and spotted a few street art pieces that I haven’t photographed yet. Enjoy.
Best of London Pavement Signs
John Cleese once said that his Three Laws of Comedy were 1. No puns, 2. No puns, and 3. No puns. This nugget of wisdom, however, has not been adopted by the shop owners of the Greater London area. Their signs almost invariably contain a pun in some form or other and I don’t see…
Brick Lane Mega-Gallery Pt. 2
Here are the street art pieces we saw on our trip to Brick Lane last weekend. I will say nothing more and let the work speak for itself… again.
Brick Lane Mega-Gallery Pt. 1
Here are the street art pieces we saw on our trip to Brick Lane last weekend. I will say no more and let the work speak for itself.
A Very Quick Story
I’ll tell you a quick story while you’re here and I have the time to spare. I have a good friend who worked as a barman for the years he was seeing his way through his tertiary educational commitments. No-one who knows an honest day of work would ever challenge you in saying that tending…