A more complimentary picture of Cannes

I feel like I owe Cannes an apology for not enjoying the place as much as I could have on account of the terrible week of weather she threw at me. Truth be told, despite the torrents of wind and rain, it really was a most intoxicating and luxurious place to visit. I even managed to take a few photos along its rather flattering waterfront. The locals said that I was very welcome to return in the summer and they look like they know how to have a good time.

You can now follow my increasingly strange adventures onĀ Instagram here.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Cannes beachfront La Croisette – can be extremely cold during Wintertime. It also heats up in summer.
    Cannes has it all, great place to visit. Next time take a trip out of the city, visit Cagnes sure Mer and its magic castle owned by the Prince of Monaco. Africasiaeuro

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