How are ya getting’ on?

A lot has been going on since my lachrymose little article from last week. At the time, I was rather on the despondent side, fearing I would no longer have time or opportunity to hunt-down and photograph London’s ever-changing street art offerings. As it happens,  my sorrows were somewhat unfounded as I started a new job in East London’s Shoreditch area…

In order to succeed

I don’t have too much to show for myself this week as I was only working til Wednesday. I was considering skipping posting today, but I’ve gotten such positive feedback about these little  signs that I thought I might as well show you what I have.  Here are the travel notices  for this week. You…

Do what you can

Herself is in Greece, so I’m home alone for the next week until I join her over there for Greek Easter. I’ll have to find something to keep myself occupied for the weekend, though I fear my efforts may amount to little more that sitting on the couch and watching Sergei Bondarchuk’s incredible 8 hour…