Winter travels – Photodump

I haven’t posted anything in quite a while, and as I don’t have a huge amount of free time at the moment, I thought that a photo-centric post would better communicate what I’ve been up to recently. It also helps that Herself gifted me with a rather entertaining telephoto lens for Christmas. We spent our New Years in Thessaloniki in Northern Greece with extra travels to the cities of Kavala and Xanthi , and the below is a modest snapshot of some of the things we saw. It is perhaps worth mentioning that no extra filters or trickery have been added to these photos. As hard as it is to believe (and I could barely fully process what I was seeing while taking the photos), the colours featured in the images are just as they appeared on the day.

You can now follow my increasingly strange adventures on Instagram here.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Lovely gift, glimpses and friends. 🙂 Have a great photo year and otherwise.

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