The story of last night

“Maybe we’ll find a little adventure,” joked Herself as we headed out for a walk in the neighbourhood after dinner last night. We live in one of London’s quieter districts and the evenings tend to be tame on this side of town. We’re low-key people. We like it that way.

Nearing the end of our route, Herself caught sight of a strange looking object wedged between the branches of a tree. Ever curious, we went to check it out and discovered that it was actually a canvas board containing this signed illustration by The Wild Doodler:

Wild Doodler

On the back of the card were instructions to post a picture with the piece to Instagram and tag @WildDoodler, which, of course, we were happy to do.


We carried on back to the house and along the way, if you can believe it, we stumbled across another illustration. This piece was left on a wall:


Once more, I posted the image to Instagram, and next thing we know, the Doodler posted this to his 10,000 followers. I guess this makes herself famous.


We got back to our building and I led the way up the stairs back to the flat with the artworks in hand.

“I told you there would be an adventure,” Herself said up to me.

“Well,” I looked back at her.” It certainly beats the hell out of hunting for Pokémon.”

You can now follow my adventures on Instagram here.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Look up to the sky, you’ll never find rainbows looking down. [Charlie Chaplin]
    Neat find, pretty woman, lucky man.

  2. mistynites says:

    It’s like geocaching for artwork. Cool.

  3. How awesome is that? Love it!

  4. Marifa says:

    it’s a little creepy, but interesting .

  5. lyart says:

    cool thing to happen….

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