The Attenborough update

Accepting disappointment as sarcastically as possible. Before the weekend, I asked you to submit questions that you would like me to ask David Attenborough if the chance arose at an event I attended to celebrate the remarkable success of Planet Earth II. Well, unfortunately there was no Q&A section after the presentation so I didn’t…

When we get going

Forget 2016. It’s gone. Done. C’est fini. A dead parrot. It’s 2017 now and things are going to change around here. For starters, we won’t be taking any grumbling from any of you lot. It’s time to knuckle down and get a move, especially you at the back. I can see you. Heads down, we’re going to…

Shooting Practice

Tired of taking terrible pictures, I bought a new camera a few weeks back and have been trying to improve my photography skills at every available opportunity since.  The woman and I found ourselves at a loose end this afternoon, so we packed my camera and a couple of sandwiches and took the train to…

What will happen?

The bods at Camden Road Station are getting creative and have left a small conundrum for us to think about over the weekend. Share your thoughts in the comments and I will pass on the wittiest/best answer to the guy at the station on Monday morning. I will also, of course, post the answer to…


Today’s customer information update at Camden Overground Station. I know these kinds of things can come across as a little trite and sentimental but sometimes there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. “What passes for hip cynical transcendence of sentiment is really some kind of fear of being really human, since to be really human […]…