Look what I found

DRT began exhibiting his uniquely abstract pieces in London at the end of last year. Since then, I have noticed and photographed several of his works around the city. The artist was at it again this weekend in Camden Town and I spotted the new piece on my way to work. When I got into…

Do what you can

Herself is in Greece, so I’m home alone for the next week until I join her over there for Greek Easter. I’ll have to find something to keep myself occupied for the weekend, though I fear my efforts may amount to little more that sitting on the couch and watching Sergei Bondarchuk’s incredible 8 hour…

Everybody needs a hobby

Sometimes beautiful, often puerile, but always interesting, I have been photographing the street-art around London for a couple of years now and I’m constantly surprised by the ingenuity and originality shown by artists across the city. We went to Brick Lane at the weekend and I decided to use the visit as an opportunity to…

Difficult roads

There were only two quotes on the travel noticeboard at Camden Road station this week. The manager has gotten quite used to me taking pictures and we tend to greet each other in the morning, which is somewhat of an interesting consideration.

A Kind of Compulsion

When I started photographing the street-art around London (particularly in Camden Town) I had no idea that I would be so busy at it. It’s a labour of love and I’m frequently impressed by the level of creativity shown by the artists. These new pieces by Autone1, Reb.MWC, DRT and Trust Icon have appeared almost…

Shooting Practice

Tired of taking terrible pictures, I bought a new camera a few weeks back and have been trying to improve my photography skills at every available opportunity since.  The woman and I found ourselves at a loose end this afternoon, so we packed my camera and a couple of sandwiches and took the train to…

Le Sacre du printemps

The weather in London may have been particularly rotten this Easter Weekend, but that didn’t stop the city’s street artists from getting some work done. I saw this new mural in Stucley Place this morning. The dramatic wall of colour blocking out the grey-scale illustration is almost a reflection of the always overdue transition from…