Time is the Enemy


I’m so busy at the moment that I just don’t have all the time I’d like to write. I’ll be going to Belgium this weekend, Budapest (for a stag party which I know I’ll be most certainly writing about) the next and then I have thisΒ Rock the Farm festival going on at the end of the month. Maybe while I’m abroad I’ll get some writing done, I have a few ideas that I want to get out, but time is the enemy at the moment. What I do have is this little doodle of R2D2 that I threw together in Illustrator while waiting for a train a few weeks ago. I hope you enjoy it.

20 Comments Add yours

  1. Threw together? I wouldn’t be able to create something like that unless I had step by step instructions for a whole year…

  2. pretty amazing for throwing it together! Have fun traveling!

  3. Snazzy. Is R2 going to the stag party as well?

  4. Jim Maher says:

    So true about time being the enemy. When you want it to go quicker, it takes its time, and when you need more, it just slips away. Nice R2, though.

  5. Tori says:

    Can I be “that person” and comment this quote for you…? Silence? I’ll take that as a, “sure thing, Tor, I’d love to read that quote of yours.”

    “Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can’t. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie.

    Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays.

    Man alone measures time.

    Man alone chimes the hour.

    And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures.

    The fear of time running out.”

    … so have a blast in Belgium and Budapest and at the festival and with R2 (the man). Don’t let time get you down!

  6. Time is your friend. Clocks are the enemy.

  7. Whatever it takes to keep the creative juices flowing!

  8. psheretic says:

    Critacal, I clearly hear what you are saying and understand the sentiment. I don’t know that I would call time an enemy. Personally, I am glad I have time on my side. More the culprit, perhaps is our management, or should I say mismanagement, of our time. Time is staid, timeless, always the same. I can’t recall it ever changing from the 24/7, 24/7, …… What does and has changed over time is our priorities, interest, and levels of engagement. Perhaps it is these with which we must make peace and allow time to be our ally.

    Just my thoughts!!

    PS Heretic

  9. Hello there! I’m going to Budapest too in a few months….I haven’t been in 25 years!! Can’t wait to see some friends while I’m there πŸ™‚ Love your R2D2, how about giving yourself a challenge and try your hand at C3PO?!… Start a collection of Star Wars figures πŸ˜‰

    I wish you a wonderful time in Europe and hope you get the time you need to get some writing done….I know if I haven’t wrote for a bit I get withdrawals!! πŸ˜€ Safe trip! Vic πŸ™‚

  10. Capt Jill says:

    I think it’s better to be busy than have nothing to do. Have fun!
    I’m in the same place. Not Budapest, but SO busy. πŸ˜‰
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate it and really glad I found yours. I really like it. πŸ™‚

  11. mytiturk says:

    Hope you get some time to fix that bookshelf, at least!

  12. jbertetta says:

    Great site you have hear and being new to twitter, will be signing up ASAP. Pleasant travels πŸ™‚

    Josh Bertetta

  13. Wow, you call this a doodle! When I say “doodle” I usually refer to a collection of seemingly random lines on a piece of paper, which have the potential to become meaningful only after I’ve explained what’s on the picture πŸ˜‰

  14. Cool doodle. Thanks for visiting over at The imagine room, anyway and looking forward to more of your posts. Cheers for now!

  15. Just the droid I was looking for! Seriously, you got a sprinkle of talent over there!

  16. You sound like one busy dude!s

  17. davidjrogersftw says:

    I can certainly identify with feeling time pressure. I have a friend who writes best when under extreme time pressure, such as when people are coming over in ten minutes, but I personally have the need to look at my calendar on Monday morning and see no appointments, no diversions, no obligations. Fortunately I’ve arranged my life so that that is not impossible. Looking forward to your next posts. Have a good trip, and get some writing done.

  18. Gone Wild says:

    I’ve always envied people who live in Europe: they are already “there” and can hop to significant cities and sites in the time it would take me to get to the nearest towns 85 and 121 miles away, and literally, nothing along the way.

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