The Long Way Down

With unrealistic demands, a laughable budget, and an impossible deadline, we were humoured, had our details taken, and then swiftly shown the door from least 10 different offices. If anywhere was available, they told us, it was taken just before we walked in – of course. Not to worry, I said to Herself, if it comes to the worst then we can always spend a few weeks sleeping on the Embankment like a pair of down and outs. At least we’re having nice weather at the moment. I can start collecting cardboard boxes just in case. I like to think of these kinds of ideas as being romantic, she prefers to call them stupid.

Happy Sunday from London

We shared a can of beer after work and went for a walk in the cool evening air, Wednesday last. Herself lives near the old London Docks, so we threw some shapes down through Wapping by way of Shadwell. This here is Shadwell Basin. It’s a beautiful little spot. I’m sure you will agree. The water was…