In order to succeed

I don’t have too much to show for myself this week as I was only working til Wednesday. I was considering skipping posting today, but I’ve gotten such positive feedback about these little  signs that I thought I might as well show you what I have.  Here are the travel notices  for this week. You…

Do what you can

Herself is in Greece, so I’m home alone for the next week until I join her over there for Greek Easter. I’ll have to find something to keep myself occupied for the weekend, though I fear my efforts may amount to little more that sitting on the couch and watching Sergei Bondarchuk’s incredible 8 hour…

Difficult roads

There were only two quotes on the travel noticeboard at Camden Road station this week. The manager has gotten quite used to me taking pictures and we tend to greet each other in the morning, which is somewhat of an interesting consideration.