I happened upon this sign in my office kitchen this afternoon. I did a bit of snooping online and found that some have referred to this document as the Genesis of Shit. I thought it was mildly amusing so took a photo. Enjoy: You can now follow my adventures on Instagram here.
Tag: Office
Everything is awesome
Strange though it may seem, the only thing I enjoy more than going on some wild and drunken travel adventure is the returning home. No matter how brief the journey, I get a real kick out of seeing what’s changed in my absence and I’m certain that this partiality can be traced back to my…
Look what I found
DRT began exhibiting his uniquely abstract pieces in London at the end of last year. Since then, I have noticed and photographed several of his works around the city. The artist was at it again this weekend in Camden Town and I spotted the new piece on my way to work. When I got into…
Download and print the “Don’t forget, you’re here forever,” sign from The Simpsons
Anyone familiar with the popular animated TV show, The Simpsons, might remember the sign that Mr. Burns gifts Homer at the end of the the episode And Maggie Makes Three. I quickly whipped up a replica sign in Photoshop and put it on the wall in-front of my colleague’s desk as a goof, because that’s…
Too weird to not post
I went to the dentist before work today and spotted this very unusual piece of street art near Camden Town tube station on the way to the office. It’s incredibly odd, but I quite like it. Any suggestions for a caption? Please comment below.
Mural Swapping in Camden
Perhaps some of you may remember a post from few weeks ago in which I displayed some new public art that had been painted onto a wall near the office. It appears that another artist has now painted over that mural. I must admit, the new work is a striking and bold piece, but it also…