A Mural in Westbourne Park

Just a quick one today. I recently started a journalism course near Westbourne Park, West London. On my way to class last week, I caught site of this impressive mural on an otherwise wholly unremarkable street. I’ll post something more substantial in the the next week or so. You can now follow my increasingly strange…


This mural by Smurk appeared near Mornington Crescent tube station over the weekend. The work replaces the piece by Deesaster that I snapped a few weeks back. I have around 60-70 photos from my recent visit to Brick Lane that I hope to get posting over the next few days, so watch this space (pun…

All Things Must Pass

A new month, a new mural in Stucley Place. This piece was installed by French artist, Ador, with the help of his newfound collaborator and friend, Sémor. The work reminds me of an article and its accompanying illustration that I recently saw in the Wall Street Journal. The article, entitled  When Instagram Culture Ruins a Vacation…