Star Wars Photoshop Action

290135_10150451363307985_1660892302_oI know it’s been a while since I published a new writing post but with the next trilogy of Star Wars movies just around the corner and news that Harrison “Han Solo” Ford recently broke his ankle on set at Pinewood Studios in the UK, I couldn’t resist having a spot of fun with some Star Wars related Photoshop action. Enjoy

6 Comments Add yours

  1. JLakis says:

    And it works because those are actually his colors!

  2. Pretty cool — my kids are looking over my shoulder and debating whether it’s Boba or Jango (though I know the answer from your tag). Well-played and nice Photoshopping!

  3. Aqueelah says:

    This gets me all in my nerdy feels!! 😀

  4. Thank you for following my blog! I love Star Wars since I saw the first one at a drive-in theatre when it first came out. Boba Fett was always my favorite.

  5. Tobe Damit says:

    It’s really in the air nowadays..Even Van started to make Star Wars themed shirts… and shoes!! I have a Srtar Wars T-Shirt.. It’s pretty nice but have a look for yourself!! It’s coming off the walls!!

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