Doing what they say you can’t

The customer information board at Camden Road Overground Station this morning. Walter Bagehot (1826 – 1877) was a British journalist, businessman and essayist.


11 Comments Add yours

  1. Always remember something I read as a kid in an article about the aviatrix Amy Johnson, in fact it was the headline: She found out what she could not do, and then she went and did it.

  2. Awesome! Sharing on my Facebook blog page. ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. simon682 says:

    Dedicated my life to it!

  4. vtg38 says:

    Awesome! So true!

  5. AnnaCris says:

    Yesss! Love this! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I am loving following this info board… Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Inspiring! just love that there people everywhere sharing their wisdom!

  8. tentninja says:

    What a random thing to see at the underground :L

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